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21st LSI Design Contests-in Okinawa Design Specification - 3-2
3-2. parameter calculation
Taking the differences value between the output and the supervisor, the neural network parameter will change simultaneously until the output are as same as supervisor signal.

Fig 3 : Three-layer model with parameter
Figure above shows the neural network model with each parameter in its respective layer. The definition of each parameter are as describe below:
- ki is the input signal
- wi j2 is the weight from input layer to hidden layer
- bi2 is the bias for hidden layer
- zi2 is the input for hidden layer
- ai2 is the output for hidden layer
- wi j3 is the weight from hidden layer to output layer
- bi3 is the bias for output layer
- zi3 is the input for output layer
- ai3 is the output for output layer
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