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Design Specification
1. Purpose2. Design enviroment
3. Principle
3-1. Template matching
3-2. Algorithm
4. Challenge
19th LSI Design Contests・in Okinawa Design Specification - 4
In the basic challenge, along the following main flow, it will be carried out the design of the circuit for performing the template matching of image.
1.Input the search image and the template image
2.Converting input image to the grayscale image
3.Converting the grayscale image to the binary image
4.Matching method
5.Output the resulting image
(As can be seen by a third party, you should mark the matched portions of the resulting image.)
About input and output
Input:Searching image (Size:640×480)
Template image (Size:40×100)
Output:Resulting image (Size:640×480)
In both input and output, the image scan in order from upper left to lower right
※In Level1 we may be we change about the input and output.
In free challenge, have them create a circuit for human detection using a variety of algorithms. About input and output.
About input and output
Input:Searching image (Size:Arbitrary Values)
Template image (Size:Arbitrary Values)
Output:Resulting image (Size:Same of Searching image)
In both input and output, the order in which to scan the image does not limit.
In addition, the searching target does not matter image or movie.