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25th LSI Design Contests-in Okinawa Design Specification - 5
5. Challenge
- Level 1: For Beginners
- Level 2: For intermediate users Program to Solve 5 × 5 Maze Search Problem and 10 × 10 Maze more...
- Level 3: For advanced users Unlimited...(100 × 100 Maze!!)
Creation of a program that calculates the maximum or minimum value from n inputs
Here we give an example for n=4. With inputs from in1 to in4 and outputs from max, the maximum value is searched for in a tournament system.

Fig 4 : Tournament for n=4
Zip file(Verilog file):getMax.zip
Tutorial - PDF-file: Tutorial to run the verilog file with Vivado Design Suite 2019.1
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